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EdiPhy Advisors: Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Services

EdiPhy Advisors’ success depends on the success of our client

organizations. One way we support our clients’ success is by

accumulating and sharing leading edge information about resources and

possibilities. While the ACO concept continues to evolve, EdiPhy

Advisors leadership possesses extensive experience in the various

components required to develop and manage an effective ACO: structure,

systems, culture, clinical and financial integration, outcomes

orientation, accountability mechanisms and performance measurements.

With ACOs gaining momentum in various parts of the country, many true

 practice associations (IPAs) are well-positioned to take a lead role in

 developing similar networks. Those IPAs operating as risk-bearing

organizations for large patient populations have already established at

least one critical success factor for moving to an ACO. In addition,

IPAs that have leveraged IT for referrals, authorizations and

utilization management most likely have the strong information

technology infrastructure needed for success as part of an ACO.

EdiPhy Advisors’ culture of self-evaluation, continuous improvement

and responsiveness positions us well for quality in this type of work.

Secure HIPAA-compliant IT platforms afford our Care Coordination

personnel the opportunity to access medical records to insure

information sharing is taking place (to reduce / eliminate duplication

of tests) and to follow up with individual patients relative to their

care. Leveraging Care Coordination staff of EdiPhy Advisors frees up

client clinical personnel to focus on delivering quality healthcare.

EdiPhy Advisors is also experienced at capturing information required

for ongoing, quarterly and annual reporting in compliance with CMS

requirements. CMS regulations support their stated goal for Shared

Savings ACOs:

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