Setting the standard for quality physician advisor services.

EdiPhy Advisors physician advisor services are available when you need them. Our physician advisors are trained and experienced to assist hospitals and physicians in examining documentation needed for compliance with health care law as well as CMS rules, regulations and guidance. EdiPhy Advisors conducts medical necessity reviews on both a concurrent and retrospective basis, depending on the need of the facility.
EdiPhy Advisors: Physician Advisor Services
Healthcare providers who are committed to adherence with a Corporate Integrity Program will find EdiPhy Advisors, LLC to be a valuable partner in this important strategy. EdiPhy provides independent review of medical necessity requirements, which affords healthcare providers the assurance of thoroughness and quality.
Independent Review Organization (IRO) Services
When audits and payment denials happen, EdiPhy Advisors is ready to investigate both existing documentation and the process that led to the creation of the documentation. Potential next steps for EdiPhy Advisors include facility staff training, writing an appeal and/or recommending that the claim be rebilled. The chosen path depends upon findings from EdiPhy Advisors' investigative review.
EdiPhy Advisors: Investigation, Denial and Appeal Response Work
In order to support our clients in achieving their quality of care and compliance goals, we listen. EdiPphy Advisors is committed to providing ongoing training and other forms of education to clients on a regular basis. EdiPhycation can take place one-one-one, in groups, by department, at the facility, via conference call or through webinar. Regardless of the training methodology, EdiPhy Advisors listens - to challenges, to needs, to changes - and responds thoughtfully and thoroughly.
EdiPhy Advisors: Education & Training

MedManagement LLC is now EdiPhy Advisors LLC. EdiPhy Advisors communicates the work we do, how we do that work and the results we deliver for clients.
The name EdiPhy Advisors was inspired by the word “edify,” meaning “to instruct or to benefit, especially morally.” To edify is to help someone understand, to enlighten, to illuminate or to inspire. EdiPhy Advisors maintains currency with health care law as well as the rules, regulations and guidance relative to medical necessity and appropriateness of care, thus effectively educating and enlightening our clients. EdiPhy Advisors’ staff possess extensive knowledge and experience in the practices of medicine and law, as well as the application of that experience to regulatory compliance in health care.
The company was founded in 1995 to provided clinical and financial management tools and resources to providers. With a keen eye toward the ever-changing healthcare regulatory landscape, we identify the needs of health care providers and insurers, responding with valuable services and meaningful insights.